It's Facebook Friday on the daily commentary.  A little treat at the end of the week. 

This woman shares;  "After six months of listening to people talk with masks on I finally understand what Charlie Brown's teacher was saying." 

This guy says, "I know it was months ago now but I still don't like how you all acted over toilet paper." 

Here's one you can use;  "Today, I broke my own personal record for most consecutive days lived." 

How about this?  "You know, the problem with fruit is it's inconsistent.  Some apples are delicious and some are just bad.  Same thing with blueberries.  You know what's always good?  Doritos." 

Here's a guy who says, "I hate it when people say, 'So, tell me about yourself.'  Like, what is it you want?  My trauma?  My favourite colour?  Let's be specific." 

A funny lady I follow asking a question this week;  "Do people still run away with the circus?  I'm asking for a friend." 

And, that same gal writes, "One difference between men and women is, when a woman says 'Smell this', it usually smells nice."