15 Wing's Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) recently got a great cheque to help support their program.

The HMCS Queen held a Mess fundraiser on October 21st to help the MFRC and their vital program.

"The program has been around for over 25 years, the reason I think they're so essential for the families is because of the uniqueness of the military lifestyle," said Director at the MFRC, Regan Gorski. "A spouse who may have a fantastic job you know has to leave that. What we try to do is mitigate those unique challenges."

Being a military family can be quite taxing, as families can move base to base.

The MFRC is a charitable organization, making them not for profit. The group receives most of their funding from the Department of National Defense, but every little bit from anyone really helps their program.

The HMCS Queen managed to raise $3745.35 for the MFRC.

"The uniqueness of the MFRC is that we're available, we're here, we have all these unique programs and staff to support the families as they transition, as they settle in and ongoing."