It's easy to criticize.  We all do it.  However, not many of us have solutions to offer when we disapprove and denounce.

The administrator of a Facebook page called MJ TALKS made an effort to stop the constant criticism on the weekend and her thousands of followers got a nice, little treat.  She called for some "positive posts" and "praise."

Dozens of local residents had good things to say, like Scott Gabel who says, "For all the volunteers helping others throughout the storm.  Shoveling sidewalks for free or helping push vehicles when stuck."

Jen Vance said, " whoever ran the snowblower up Connaught, me and my dogs with short legs thank you."

Taryn Ferguson said, "Watching the gentleman Saturday crossing the opposite way on Main Street stop, turn around and help to ensure the elderly lady had an arm to hold while crossing...That so made my day."

Way to go, people.  How about a tip o' the hat and a way to go to the good people doing good things in The Friendly City.