With their new backpacks and school supplies, kids are heading back to school in Saskatchewan today.  The Labour Day weekend is over and it's time to hit the books.

And with that, it means a lot more traffic at certain times of the day, especially foot traffic as kids walk to school in the morning, noon hour and then afternoon.  Moose Jaw Police are gearing up for a busy day as well according to Constable Kent Westrom.

"Be aware that kids are excited as they're heading back to school for the year and they aren't really focusing on traffic." said Westrom. "We just want people to slow down in the schools zones that are posted 40 kilometres per hour and posted between 8am and 6pm."

Westrom reminds us to watch for the no parking signs as well.  They've been put up for a reason and that's to keep areas clear of vehicles so kids can see while crossing the street. An increased police presence around the schools is also expected this week as they try to remind drivers to follow the rules.