$50,000 in 50 days, that is and always has been Hunger in Moose Jaw's goal for their I Bought a Lunch Campaign.

With the deadline this Tuesday, it's the final push to support the local organization.

Although there are other expenditures Hunger in MJ, all of the money raised will be going towards students as this is one of their biggest campaigns to help support their efforts to feed children in Moose Jaw.

"So the proceeds of the I Bought a Lunch Campaign go directly towards the child nutrition program," Sharla Sept, Executive Director of Hunger in MJ explained. "So that is our program that we feed daily lunches to kids within the school system and we are at about three hundred lunches every day."

That $50,000 will provide students with a sandwich, fruit, and vegetables in order to give them full stomachs to help them learn throughout the day.

By the last count, their total was over $45,000 thanks to generous donations from residents, groups, and businesses across the city, and they want to reach that goal.

You can donate at many local businesses across the city, but you'll for sure find donations being accepted at South Hill Fine Foods, banks, and the Hunger in MJ office located on the corner of Stadacona St W and 3rd Ave NW.