I'll bet the locals were excited 98 years ago this month.  In fact, it was 98 years ago today in 1922 that this radio station first began broadcasting. 

The call letters were 10-AB and you could find us at 1200 on your radio dial.  We moved to 800 back in 1946. 

There are many local and area people who have a special place in their heart for CHAB, me included. 

I've been here for 34 of the 98 years.   

I'll never forget the day I was hired.  It's still one of the hi-lites of my life.  It was August of 1986 when I got the phone call with the job offer.  I took a $400 per month pay cut when I took the job but I didn't care.  I so badly wanted to work at my hometown radio station. 

Yes, there have been other opportunities and, in fact, I did leave once back in 2008.  I knew within a few weeks I had made a mistake. 

I could find no replacement for the adrenaline rush I get every time I turn on the microphone to go live on the radio.  There's nothing like it. 

This is what I'm supposed to do and this is where I'm supposed to do it. 

My hope is that years from now local people will remember me and talk about me the way they reminisce about Cy Knight, Dick Lillico, Fergie Olver and Ken Newans. 

800 CHAB - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.  We've been making memories together for 98 years.  Chances are, we'll have a 100th anniversary party two years from now.  I hope I'm still here.