He's growing tired of the federal election campaign and tired of seeing and hearing about the Blue Jays.  Who is this man?


Well, he's one of of many in the same boat.  He's a highly respected, local man who I follow on social media.  He's a well-rounded individual with a number of interests, including politics but, apparently, not baseball.  Last night on a Facebook post, he said, "I'm not sure which is more tiresome, this flaming election campaign or hearing about the Toronto piggin' Blue Jays (which boasts a total of three Canadians on their roster)."


His followers reacted with approval and some teasing but his point was well taken.  


It takes me back about 25 years when we'd almost always spend time on the radio talking about the latest Seinfeld episode the morning after it aired.  A local listener called me to explain that he had never seen Seinfeld, his family and friends didn't watch the show and he was tired of hearing about it.


To be honest, I'm growing tired of the election campaign and the Blue Jays, too. Seinfeld?  Not yet.