First it was "vaxxed to the max" and now some are saying they're "double doubled", referring to the fact they've taken their recommended two shots of COVID-19 vaccine. 

If you're like me, getting "double doubled" was a relief - almost liberating.  I'm no longer scared of the virus, knowing I can still contract it, but the vaccine will effectively help me through it if I do. 

And while we are down to 2 active cases in the local South-Central zone, SaskHealth confirmed 16 new cases yesterday.  We still have 262 active cases province-wide.  55 people are hospitalized with 9 in intensive care units. 

You know, there were 2000 confirmed cases last month and more than 80% of them were people who had not been vaccinated. 

Vaccines work.  I don't understand why some are refusing to be vaccinated.  Maybe they didn't hear Dr. Saqib Shahab when he said if you're not vaccinated, "COVID will find you."