IT'S FRIDAY!  Facebook Friday on the daily commentary.  I pick the best of the week from the characters I like to follow. 

Like this young woman who shares;  "If you need a friend, message me.  If you need a laugh, call me.  If you need a hug, stop by my house.  If you need money, this number is no longer in service." 

I like this one;  "Man, all these doctors, nurses, microbiologists and other researchers keep saying COVID-19 is dangerous but all these people who barely passed science in high school keep saying it's not.  It's so hard to know who to believe anymore." 

Here's a local retired guy you might have something in common with.  He shares;  "The only problem with retirement is you never get a day off. 

Here's an author I follow who writes, "A man has been convicted of overusing commas.  The judge warned him to expect a very long sentence." 

Going camping this weekend?  Check this one out;  "Bigfoot rental costumes are surprisingly realistic and terrifying at 4 am at the bonfire at the party I wasn't invited to." 

And, one more from a smart aleck I follow.  "I don't need a mood ring.  I have a face."