It's Facebook Friday!  I find the gems you might be missing. 

Like this one;  "Prayers needed.  Oh, nothing's wrong, I just want to hit the lotto and quit my job." 

That same guy posts;  "I saved a ton of money on a security system by hanging a picture of my pay cheque on my front door.” 

A Facebook friend who lives down east says;  "I'm not turning my clock back next weekend because, seriously, none of us need an extra hour of 2020." 

Here's one you can use;  "Studies show that cows produce more milk when the farmer talk to them.  It's a case of in one ear and out the udder." 

How about one for CHAB fans;  "We had joy, we had fun...if you can finish that lyric in your head, you might be Canadian." 

Here's a guy who shares;  "I always read my wife's see what kind of day I'm going to have." 

A funny woman I follow posting;  "I know not everyone is going to think I'm funny and pretty and that's OK.  They're wrong though." 

And, one more, from a young father who shares;  "My 8 year old just asked me if 'Bingo' is the name of the farmer or the dog.  I'm now questioning everything I thought I knew about life."