Ah, the colours of autumn...lovely, aren't they?


There's lots of orange around town, a little red sprinkled in and more and more blue popping up.  These are the election signs I see in and around Moose Jaw.


If lawn signs are any indication, it appears the Conservative Party of Canada and the NDP are the front-runners in the local election campaign.

Oh, and by the way, have you noticed not all the blue signs are Conservative signs? The Rhinoceros Party has a few signs up.  Some of them are professionally crafted and others are obviously homemade.


The Rhino Party campaigns on what they call their "primal promise", which is to keep none of their promises.  They've never won a seat although they have had hundreds of candidates over the years.


I think it's true the Rhinos make a mockery of our political system and I understand how some are offended by that.  However, the Rhinos and their election signage have local people talking and, perhaps, more people becoming engaged in the federal election process.  That's a good thing, isn't it?