The tents, the trucks and trailers were all gone first thing this morning.  Main Street, Moose Jaw was empty.  It was as if the traveling road show they call Rogers Hometown Hockey had never been here.  It was.  And what a great event.

And, despite the bitter cold, we dressed up and showed up.  Moose Jaw looked good on national television.

Oh, the critics are out, talking about the people and places that weren't featured on the show but, really, it has to be tough to pick and choose and there's only so much time.

Hometown Hockey mentioned many who have had major impacts on Canada's game and our community and did a great job of introducing us to some you may not have known - people like Warriors' scout Justin Rayner who bravely goes about each day as a quadriplegic.  There was the Watterson family, billets for former Warriors' star Morgan Rielly and there was Ron MacLean showing an action photo of our own Olivia Howe from her days at Clarkson University, one of the best female hockey players to ever come out of Moose Jaw.  

Hometown Hockey also featured our tourist attractions, our air base and our Canadian Forces Snowbirds - again, all on national television.

 Thanks for coming, Rogers Hometown Hockey.  It was good.