The lady at the corner store told me it's going to warm-up this weekend.  

I said, "I know." 

She said, "We'll still get another blast of winter before it's over though." 

I said, "I know." 

You know it too.  Prairie winters never end in February.   

The Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting a couple more bouts with winter weather - with rain and snow and temperatures plummeting at the end of this month and another snowstorm in the 2nd week of March and more snow between April 19th and 23rd. 

The good news?  There is no mention of snow after that. 

You know, it was 10 years ago, in 2011, we had snow flurries on Saturday, June 2nd?   

You know, July is the only month that snow has never been recorded in Saskatchewan? 

So, we've got that going for us.