So, normally, getting enough sleep is not a problem for me.  But, on a weekend when I planned on getting some extra rest, it just wasn't happening the way I wanted it to.  Oh, it all worked out but, in the meantime, I did a little reading and found music is the tool many use to fall asleep. 

We all know someone who sleeps with the radio on, right?  Well, many are taking it up a notch. 

An article in the LA Times tells me all about "Calm".  It's a sleep and meditation app.  More than 52 million people have downloaded it with stats showing most access the "sleep" service between 10 and 11 pm - bedtime for most. 

The piece also tells me the sleep-aid industry which includes "everything from CPAP machines to...weighted blankets." is expected to be worth more than $100 billion by 2023"." 

Spotify and Apple Music are also getting in on the action, offering bedtime titles like "Peaceful Piano" and "Night Storms". 

Music - it's the answer, the solution for so many of our challenges. 

I might try it.  Wake me up when the pandemic's over, won't you?