Time for Twitter Tuesday...because we can all use a chuckle these days. 

Here's one from a middle-aged guy who shares, "We used to be young and carefree and now we have a favourite cashier at the grocery store." 

That same guy says, "Took me thirty minutes to tighten the screw on my glasses because I didn't have my glasses on." 

This lady says, "My friends were supposed to come over so I put on pants.  Now they're not coming so I'm just sitting here looking stupid with pants on...in my own home!" 

Here's a mom who says, "Being a parent means throwing away 4,000 snack wrappers from the backseat every time you get gas." 

Here's another mom who Tweets, "I did the heroic thing and left the bag of salad mix at the store today.  Let it rot in someone else's fridge for once." 

Comedian Dan Regan says, "I ate cake but the whole time I was thinking about salad." 

And, one more from a local fella who writes, "I'm a bottom 5 debit card tapper in the world - 8% lifetime success rate."