Carnie's Comments


I scroll all week long to find the best for you on Facebook Friday!

Posts like this one which may make you feel ancient, "1981 and 2024 are as far apart as 1981 and 1938".

I like this, "You can say 'Have a nice day' no problem but saying 'Enjoy the next 24 hours' sounds vaguely threatening."

Here's a friend who shares, "Hamburger Helper only works if the hamburger is ready to accept that it needs help."

This gal says, "I don't understand why bugs come inside when they have a whole outside to themselves."

This funny friend posting, "I'm in the middle of an argument and forgot what I rehearsed...LINE PLEASE!"

A friend in his 60s writes, "No one says 'OK Boomer' when they need change for a twenty."

And we'll finish with one from a dad who says, "Eating some of your kids' fries before you hand them their food is a good way to teach them about taxes. Also, eye contact is key."