Carnie's Comments


Canada will soon be the first country in the world to print warnings on each and every cigarette sold in our country.

We've had warnings on the packages for many years but our federal government believes the new measure will reach more people, including youth who often share cigarettes and don't always see the packaging.  

It's the latest in what has been a long-time effort by our lawmakers to deter us from smoking cigarettes.  Advertising by tobacco companies was banned back in 1989 and it's been years since stores have been required to keep the smokes behind closed cabinet doors or curtains.

Advertising works.  I can still remember all the pretty, colourful packaging we used to see on those decks of cigarettes.  I believe it was part of my attraction to smoking when I was still in elementary school.  And, indeed, that's when I started smoking.  

And, you know, those warnings and graphic photos on the packages helped me quit along with the shortness of breath and the wheezing at night when I was trying to sleep.

If printing warnings on each and every cigarette helps more people quit - it's worthwhile isn't it?