Courtney Fielder with Washboard Union

Over the weekend at the CCMA's I got to catch up with many of your favourites. Check out what they had to say.

Washboard Union:

Aaron Goodvin:


Bobby Wills 

Bobby Wills:

Chad Brownlee:

Chris Buck of the Chris Buck Band

Chris Buck Band:

Dan Davidson:

Dani Strong:

Danielle Bourjeau:

Donny Lee:


Emerson Drive:

Gord Bamford:

Jason Blaine:

JoJo Mason:

Leaving Thomas:

Madeline Merlo:

Nice Horse:


The Reklaws:

The Road Hammers:

Runaway Angels:

Ryan Laird:

Samara Yung:

Shaun Austin:


Tenille Arts:

Trevor Pankzak:

Twin Kennedy:

Wes Mack: