To be humble, I believe, is a good quality for a person to have.  By definition, it means "having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance."

I think about that today as I listen to messages left on our listener line from local and area people who have a special place in their hearts for CHAB Radio.

As we celebrate 95 years on the air I'm listening to people talking about how CHAB has always been there for local information, entertainment and music.  

When you come to the radio station and prepare the local content each and every day, sometimes you lose perspective of how important this work is and the impact we can have on local people.

Yes, we've got satellite and cable television, the internet, telephones with Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook but you can always count on CHAB for current, local information delivered with a focus on being family friendly.

We are, after all, the original social media.