Last month on January 4th, A Cold Night For Cancer took place at the Moose Jaw Cultural Center raising money for the Moose Jaw Health Foundation.

The concert reunited the Band Churko and also featured Touque, It was also in memory of Kelly Churko who passed away from cancer.

Just recently, Kelly's name was added to the donor wall at Dr. FH. Wigmore Hospital.

Kelly McElree is the Executive Director of the Moose Jaw Health Foundation.

"We raised over $53,000 and at that moment we were able to close our mammography matters campaign. There were a couple of significant elements there, so Kelly passed away from cancer and the love and heart they have for that individual in this community and all the Churko's that came together to make such an incredible show. It was one of the things I wanted right away, to put that plaque up for everyone to see."

McElree continued detailing another interesting point.

"I addition to that plaque, we've also done a video wall as a tribute to that very special night for the foundation. Just to keep that legacy going and recognizing the significance of it, it's a big part of honouring the donors and honouring the people that truly make a difference in our community and healthcare and we're very pleased to do it."

You can find both the video and the plaque in the lobby of the Dr. F.H. Wigmore Hospital.