The City of Moose Jaw began its process of updating its Official Community Plan (OCP). 

You may ask yourself, what is the city’s OCP? 

The OCP is a statement recognized by the provincial government of Moose Jaw’s long-term vision for growth and development. The statement reflects the community's values and creates a framework for investment.  

The OCP bylaw is adopted by Council as required by The Planning & Development Act, 2007.

“Quality of life is notoriously high in Moose Jaw, which we’ve highlighted in our ‘Get A Life’ economic development campaign,” said Clive Tolley, Mayor. “As Moose Jaw continues to grow, change and develop, it is important that our Official Community Plan continue to reflect a consensus of our residents’ views and interests.  

“We ask all Moose Javian's to get engaged with the OCP process to ensure that everyone has a say and can be heard as we create this positive plan for our future growth and success,” adds Tolley.  

Moose Jaw residents can get involved with the OCP through an interactive project display, which we be at a number of locations around the city this winter. A full display schedule can be found HERE.  

The project webpage also provides videos to explain the project, a list of workshops open to the public, an online survey and monthly project updates. The first survey asking the community to help establish (or confirm) the vision for Moose Jaw is now open and can be accessed from the project webpage. 

In addition, the OCP includes a zoning Bylaw, which is used to implement the OCP. Its purpose is to establish permitted, prohibited, and discretionary land uses by assigning zoning districts, outlining development standards, and identifying permit requirements.