With the August long weekend finally here, many Saskatchewan residents will be heading out to the lake to do some boating or fishing.

Director of the Canadian Safe Boating Council, Ian Gilson, is reminding everyone that if they plan on driving a boat, to be sober. "There does tend to be an increase on long weekends. People tend to associate recreation with enjoying their favourite beverage or other intoxicating substances."

He said the focus is usually on alcohol, but they're also reminding people to avoid any mind-altering substances while out on the water, "That's a focus of ours this year with the impending legalization of recreational marijuana, we're concerned it's going to drive the percentage of fatalities even higher."

40% of boating-related fatalities in Canada were caused by drinking and boating.

During the long weekend, Gilson said they will have a number of police agencies doing safety checks on boaters, "We'll be doing increased special checks over the weekend to make sure we educate boaters on the dangers of boating impaired and also advising them on what the penalties are."

The penalties for boating while under the influence can be as severe as losing your license for a year. Those penalties are now also expanded to non-motor powered watercrafts. "New this year is the fact that human-powered vessels are now included in the legal definition of a vessel. Even canoes, kayaks or stand up paddle board users are able to be convicted of impaired boating."

Gilson also said boaters should stay safe by wearing their life jacket at all times while on a boat.

Stay safe and happy boating!