Another important week for Saskatchewan as Education Week ran from October 15th to the 21st.

"I really like it for the fact that it does a lot. It's about at the right time of the year, we're six weeks into school so things are kind of settling down as far as procedures and routines and it gives us a chance usually to do something special with the kids and quite often involve parents," said Sacred Heart Principal Elaine Oak. "So it's important that we talk about that theme and we build around that theme and we listen to what  our kids are saying."

The theme for this week was "Building our Future by Learning Together."

To get parents involved in the week, schools held book drives and giveaways so parents could read to their younger kids.

Schools in Moose Jaw participated in varying ways with their students. Some held mathletic and educational competitions and even gym blasts to challenge the kids physically.

"To get everyone's brain cell focused on the importance of education that, yes we do it each and every day when we go to school, but just to make sure it stays forefront in peoples minds that we work together as a community to provide education for these kids," added Saint Agnes Principal Justin Clewis. 

Kids participating in a gym blast at Sacred Heart