A late harvest, plagued by rain, cool temperatures, and snow can put serious stress on farmers and their families.

The Farm Stress Line is available to farmers 24/7, who feel the pressure or stress of farming.

The Farm Stress Line is there to help and many utilized the service this season. 

On their website, they offer suggestions that can often make a positive difference.

Among the items listed include exercise, eating a balanced diet, taking time for yourself and to separate those things you can control from those that are beyond your control.

Often by talking to a trusted person, you can gain a perspective that may lead to practical solutions that you may not have considered. 

The service garnered 447 calls over the 6-month span, compared to 257 during the same time in 2018. The bulk of the calls were in regards to cash flow and bankruptcy. 

The Saskatchewan farm stress line is saying over the course of April through to September, they received 74% more calls compared to the same time period last year

The Farm Stress Line number is 800-667-4442.