It's a guide that is intended to help future development in the downtown core follow the same vision.

B&A Planning Group from Calgary, Alberta was commissioned in 2016 to come up with the Downtown Area Plan and they just released their final draft earlier this month.

The 250 page document features various suggestions for the downtown core from changing street width to allow for more patio seating in front of restaurants to future construction and renovations.

Moose Jaw Mayor Fraser Tolmie talked about what the plan is.

"The Downtown Area Plan is a guide for making long-range planning decisions for the city. Ultimately, what that means is that the citizens of Moose Jaw are pretty proud of our downtown, and we want to maintain the integrity of that classic look that we have, and so this plan helps incorporate that."

The plan would not be binding in any way, but would instead be a set of guidelines for any future development, construction, or changes made to the downtown area.

Tolmie was impressed with the plan, but it's not just up to him.

"It's going to be up to council (to approve), but my hopes are that anybody that wishes to do future development would recognize what we have here, and that this guideline would be something they can incorporate into their own design."

The guide will presented to city council in September for approval as a singular vision going forward.

You can read and give your input on the final draft until August 31st by filling out a survey on the city website located here.