No one wants to have furnace troubles in the middle of winter, so now is the time to make sure your central heating system is ready for the colder months ahead.

The Moose Jaw Fire Department has put together a checklist of things to inspect around your home to ensure not only that you have heat in the winter, but also that there isn't a build-up of carbon monoxide within your home.

Kathy Bassett is the fire department's public education officer and says what steps you need to take.

"It's imperative that we have our furnaces, fireplaces and chimneys checked and inspected. Get all this done prior to having to get your central heating started for the winter."

Devices like smoke alarms and fuel containers can be checked by homeowners themselves but Bassett says that the inspection of furnaces and chimneys should be left to a professional.

"It is recommended that you get an expert to check your furnaces, fireplaces and chimneys. Not everyone is an expert in heating systems so it's good to get a professional opinion. If you get them in, they will change your filters and make sure all your vents are clear and everything else."

Making sure that all your air intakes and outlets are clear is very important for your family's safety.

"[Blocked vents] make your furnace work harder than it needs to. It chokes that vital flow of air through your house and can lead to a build-up of carbon monoxide within your house."

With Monday being the first day of Fall, now is the time to get your home ready for the cold to come.

Here's the Fire Department's checklist.