Our Moose Jaw Civic Election coverage continues with this second report that focuses on council candidates. In this edition we learn about Ray Taylor and Dawn Luhning.


The race for Moose Jaw City Council is on as local candidates try to convince us to vote for them. We head to the polls October 25th with the difficult task of voting for up to six councillors out of 22 candidates.

As our election coverage continues we're hearing from Ray Taylor who supports a multiplex project but says more discussions are needed. "I think that it’s important for elected officials to keep an open mind while the city completes those last few tests. Pre-empting due diligence will introduce unnecessary risks. We have one opportunity to make the correct decision, to keep the Warriors it has to be done quickly but we have to get it right."

Ray Taylor is a retired member of the armed forces and unsuccessfully ran for City Council in the last election in 2003. He says he has a lot to offer this city and has a lot of issues he wants to address if elected. "I fully support the high priority given to the Union Hospital expansion and both the multiplex and hospital project should be implemented simultaneously. We need to improve the sidewalk repairs around senior's apartments and care homes so they can use their walkers and exercise safely. It sounds pretty basic but unfortunately it reflects the current state of disrepair."

Our second candidate from city council is our first incumbent of the election. Dawn Luhning is looking for her second term at City Hall and says the last three years have been a learning experience. "In the beginning as I was slowly moving up the learning curve each issue seemed to be on its own. I now see each and every issue, each and every situation as one piece of a complex puzzle that is always changing. Its almost as if I'm sitting on a cloud above the city and I can watch the pieces move strategically together towards a common goal."

Luhning is ready to tackle the big issues in this campaign and plans to rely on past experiences to get through any problems that arise. "Do we need changes? Yes! I believe that I also offer a youthful perspective to the issues and that I am a business person and I contribute business perspective and out of the box thinking to the community as a whole."

Luhning plans to work hard when it comes to the multiplex project but like many others wants to look closer at what needs to be included and where it should be built.

Our election coverage will continue as we prepare to head to the polls October 25th. You can vote now by clicking on the Election Opinions Poll here on discovermoosejaw.com. Vote for your favorite candidate for mayor and councillor as well as vote on the multiplex.