Members of the Rotary Club of Moose Jaw Wakamow began their Christmas Tree fundraiser by unloading their trees on Wedneday, but not without a little help.

Joe’s Place also brought some kids down to help unload Christmas Trees at the downtown Co-op on 1st Ave NW.

Rotary Club's Judy Vermette, said it made everything a lot easier with them around.

"It was really wonderful because some of those young boys are quite strong and big. They can carry two trees at once where as myself and maybe another women in Rotary there were two of us were carrying one tree," said Vermette. "It was really great having them come and help out. It's really nice for those young folks to volunteer like that also, you know they didn't have to do that, they came out of the good of their heart. I though that was really great."

The Christmas trees being sold are a part of a fundraiser for the Rotary Club, which they will begin selling on Friday at 3:00 pm.

Trees will be sold daily from 10:00 am - 8:00 pm, Saturdays at 10:00 am - 7:00 pm and on Sundays from noon - 5:00 pm.