As many of us have been snacking on holidays treats for weeks and possibly over indulging at the buffet at our Christmas parties, health officials are reminding us to find balance.

Melanie Warken is a Public Health Nutritionist for the Public Health office in Moose Jaw with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and has many suggestions for anyone planning a meal or eating one. 

"Typically Canadians don't eat enough vegetables and fruit each day as per the recommendation so I think trying to keep your plate as colourful as possible when you're planning your meals is really important," said Warken. "So even if you're planning appetizers you can make them more vegetable  and fruit-based."

Eating with friends and family over the holidays also helps. Not only does it help your mental health, but it also helps with your portion control. You can also use it as a chance to share healthy foods and snacks with those you're with. 

If you're looking to remain healthy after the holidays and in the new year, Warken suggested that planning regular meals and staying hydrated will help with over eating.

"I think it's more important that we keep our eye on portion sizes," Warken added. "It's often how much you eat over the holidays and not so much what we eat. So thinking about portion control is it important part of that. One suggestion I like to give people is to consciously plate small servings."

If you feel you have been over eating, Warken suggested you can do physical and fun activities with your family, like going swimming or skating.