It started back in June when the kids went out to the farm and planted everything needed to make a meal. Tuesday students get to experience the harvest at the Cheeseburger and Fries farm near Moose Jaw.

Farm Management Specialist Val Panko says the project is part of the Ag Awareness Program and is sponsored by Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Agriculture in the classroom.

"It's to showcase, for school kids and the public, that we grow all kinds of food." said Panko. "We tried to focus in on all of the ingredients that you put into a burger and fries and we demonstrated how those are grown and we brought out livestock."

Panko expects about 150 to 200 kid in Grades 3 and 4 to come out for the harvest that features everything from a calf and dairy cow, to potatoes, wheat and mustard.  Last year, the project featured a pizza farm where kids helped to plant and harvest everything needed for pizza.