It seems to me that most of us complain when we get snow.  It seems to me like it's an inconvenience for us.  Driving, walking...everything's a little more difficult and time consuming when we get 5 or 10 cm of snow on the ground.

We have to scrape and brush and shovel and blow.  We need to dig out the boots and the mitts and the toques and scarves.

But then, I'm reminded when I look at the reaction on social media, lots of people love the snow and embrace winter.  These people have snowmobiles and skis.  These people can't wait to get back to the lake for a winter of ice fishing.  Good times.

I don't like the snow.  When I was a kid, snow meant we had to shovel the rink before we played hockey.  That took most of my energy.  I don't have or want snowshoes, skis or a snowmobile.  

I'll pack away the shorts and sandals and winterize the golf cart.

Then I'll look for the shovel and see if the snowblower will start.