Lunch.  Just saying the word makes me happy.  I love lunch.  I'm thinking about lunch today after seeing a note from the Eyebrow School.  It's an order form for all parents to sign their kids up for the hot lunch program.  Kraft Dinner, hot dogs, grilled cheese and chocolate milk are all on the menu.

It takes me back to my school days.  Remember racing home when the school bell rang at 11:45?  Our moms were at home preparing lunch.  We'd have a nice, hot lunch and watch The Flintstones on TV.  They were on CKCK every day at noon for many years.  My dad would eat in the kitchen and then take my place on the couch to have a rest and watch the local news at 12:30.

There's one day I'll never forget.  My mom threw us right out of our routines.  She explained there would be no Flintstones or news on the TV that day.  No, she'd be watching the live wedding on the Elwood Glover "Luncheon Date" program on CBC.  Stompin' Tom Connors married Lena Walsh on November 2nd, 1973.  I just looked it up.  

I don't know why I remember it so clearly but I do.  I went back to school early that day.

True story.  I can't make this stuff up.