You see the construction all over the city but just what does that mean when it comes to new businesses in Moose Jaw?  There's a huge expansion going on right now and the Chamber of Commerce is watching with great interest.

CEO Brian Martynook tells us that 102 new businesses have popped up in our city in the last 6 months.  In 2012, during the same time frame, 75 new businesses were started.

"It's a combination of everything," explained Martynook. "The province is going in the right direction right now and that spins off into our city that has a tourism flavour to it and we're bringing in more people who are coming in to see what's happening in Moose Jaw."

Martynook says the types of businesses are all over the map from home type operations to national companies but he's most excited about the home businesses because they normally lead to bigger things in the future with many opening actual store fronts within a couple years.