Tasha Plesh was announced as the winner of our first major prize for our Summer Fun Giveaways last week!

Tasha and her family are the excited new owners of a beautiful 18' above ground pool from Water Vision Pool and Spas, complete with accessories and limited warranty.

We stopped by Water Vision Pools and Spas to talk with owned Don McKenzie and Tasha as he handed over the pool to our winner.


Our Murray GM Summer Fun Cruiser isn't done giving away prizes either! When you see us out on location, be sure to enter in for a chance to win Kawasaki Mule 4X4 Utility Vehicle, valued at over $11,000 – from Reed Leisure!

Enter your name and you could be joining us at our end-of-summer celebration where we’ll give it away!

If you see the Summer Fun Cruiser out and about at events this summer make sure to stop by, say hi and enter for a chance to win more great giveaways!