Businesses and individuals in Moose Jaw can now apply for rapid antigen tests to help screen people who do not show COVID-19 symptoms.  

Large national businesses that operate in the province can request a testing kit through the government's online business portal.

Meanwhile, Small and medium businesses can apply for the tests from the SHA by submitting an Intake Form.  

Tests will be provided for screening as supplies allow, although Saskatchewan federal allocation of the tests will be prioritized for health care professionals, long-term care facilities, personal care homes, schools, group homes, and shelters.  

The general public can purchase tests from retailers who wish to offer them. Health Canada has a list of approved testing kits. Click here to view the list.  

(Panbio™COVID-19Ag RapidTest Device)

"The Saskatchewan Health Authority's Test to Protect program is an important element of a multi-layered approach that we have added to our pandemic response along with vaccination," SHA Testing Chief Carrie Dornstauder, said.  "The Test to Protect community rapid antigen testing program provides workplaces with early detection of COVID-19 ensuring a strong and healthy workplace and workforce through outbreak prevention." 

Rapid tests are used to screen asymptomatic people and are not diagnostic tests. 

Those who receive a positive test result should follow health official's recommendations such as immediately self-isolating and calling 811 for instructions and book a test to confirm the positive through the SHA testing centre.

For general information on rapid antigen testing click here