It was a little busier than usual at the pumps on Tuesday as residents who filled up their gas tanks at Moose Jaw Co-op could "feel good" knowing it was helping a local non-profit group.

10 cents from every litre sold in the Friendly City went to the Moose Jaw Transition House, and this year over $12,000 was raised through the annual initiative.

Michaela Turner, Marketing and Community relations manager for the Moose Jaw Co-op told us why they choose to hold this annual fundraiser.

"Fuel Good Days is a big thing to us, it's very near and dear to our hearts. Our Mission Statement at the Moose Jaw Coop is that we will serve and give back to our community by providing top quality goods and services throughout business excellence" says Turner, "Meaning we truly give back to our community, we are member-owned, we are completely local and we are your neighbours, friends and family here, and that's a big deal."

Not only was money raised by selling gas, but Turner also says there were other ways residents could help out, and that the fundraiser wouldn't have been nearly as successful without the generosity of the people in Moose Jaw.

"I just want to thank the community for coming out to support us, we couldn't have done it without them. Every litre truly counted on Fuel Good Day. It was a lot of fun, we had a lot of extra donations from our cookie sales, from cash donations at the counter, and we know that the Moose Jaw Transition House is so appreciative for everybody's support as well".

This was Turners first year with the Moose Jaw Coop and referred to this fundraiser as "very rewarding" and that it gives her great pride to be part of an organization like this. 

"I can't believe the smiles on our employees faces even though they have been working hard all day. Everyone is so great, so happy and we all had fun celebrating the day and making it a big deal for the Transition House. They were great, they had a good group of volunteers out. We had so much fun with them and they are just beyond ecstatic to receive this donation from us so it's all good."

Last year, money was raised for the local non-profit Moose Jaw Families for Change, and donations in 2017 were passed on to the Moose Jaw Humane Society.

In Mossbank, Southland Coop also held their own Fuel Good Day fundraiser and surpassed $900 for STARS Air Ambulance.