With a handful of power box fires in the last week, SaskPower is trying to get out and inspect as many homes as they can after issues with ground shifting and wire being pulled out of homes. SaskPower Spokesperson Jonathan Tremblay says the dry conditions are to blame and they're working as best they can to inspect problem areas.

"The extremely dry conditions means that there is ground shifting and we're seeing three, five and even eight inches of ground shifting over the past six weeks." explained Tremblay. "For customers that have underground power service, that whole lawn may be pulling on those power cables and in some cases, pulling them from behind the power box on your house."

While Regina is their focus, Tremblay says this could be an issue anywhere with underground lines. Homeowners can check for any tilting of your power box, unusual wires that didn't appear to be there before and walk around the outside of your home looking for gaps between the foundation and the ground. Any of those could each indicate that there might be a problem and SaskPower needs to investigate further.

"We have several crews out in Regina right now where we are seeing the worst of it. This is mostly for customers with underground power services... especially if you have an older home. We're seeing more of those homes in the 60' and 70's build dates being affected."

Tremblay says while you can check your home for indicators of a problem, this fix is not a do-it-yourself type project.  Professionals need to be called in to make the repairs.