Starting this month, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) will begin its facial recognition program.

When you renew your driver's licence and photo I.D. cards, there will be enhanced security features to protect your identity. It is said that customers will not notice any difference, as the program is meant to be behind-the-scenes security.

Facial recognition is widely used across Canada and the United States. By upgrading to this technology, Saskatchewan will now be in line with all other provinces - with the exception of Quebec.

Kelley Brinkworth, communications with SGI, said the technology will also allow SGI to measure how often people come in with faulty documentation while trying to get a licence under someone else's identity.

The program will make a template of your face, so if anyone is trying to steal your identity when getting a licence renewed, they will be flagged.

The program starts Aug. 24, and there is said to be no added cost to the customer.