I love the Old Farmer's Almanac.  They send me copies every fall in exchange for some publicity on the radio.  It's a good deal.  I keep one and we give the rest away to lucky listeners.

I've ridiculed spokesperson Jack Burnett over the past few years because the Almanac's weather forecasts for the prairies have been missing the mark.  Jack admits it but always points out, on average, their forecasts are better than 80% accurate.

Well, the forecast for spring in Saskatchewan is accurate.  They predicted all the snow we got last month and this unusually cool April.  In fact, if you count 'em up, the words "cool", "cold" and "snow" are used 9 times in the April forecast.

And, it's interesting to note, the Old Farmer's Almanac is predicting three more snow events including a snow "storm" before the end of the month.

Chin up.  I checked and double checked.  There's no snow in the forecast for May or June.