If you have concerns about the state of seniors clubs in Moose Jaw, the clubs want you to show your support at city council's meeting Monday.

Lori Friars of the Moose Jaw and District Seniors Association and Bob Cobbe of the Cosmo Centre are asking for seniors to be in council chambers at Monday's meeting.

“We’re only allowed to have two speakers, so people won’t be able to get up to the mic and speak,” Friars said. “But we really want city council and everyone to see that there is support in this city for facilities for seniors. So we would like anyone who is a senior, 50 plus, or has someone important in their life who is a senior, to come out and show their support for having programming and facilities like these in Moose Jaw.”

Cobbe said that if just a couple of people show up, it won't have the same kind of impact as if many more show up. Cobbe feels there is strength in numbers.

“If two of us come up and tell them what our problems are, they’re going to say, ‘Oh, well there’s (only) two people here,’ but if you’ve got 50 or 60 or 100 seniors sitting up in the council room, then they know that OK, this is a problem, or this is something people in Moose Jaw are interested in and it affects them.”

Cobbe said the seniors are the ones who helped build the city and the province, but the city and the province basically give them no support.

Both clubs have some serious issues. Friars’ Moose Jaw Seniors’ Association has significant financial issues.

“What we are looking for is that we’re going to need some immediate financial help in the next six months probably, with some ongoing help with our bills with our building expenses.”

Cobbe said they are fortunate in that they own their own building.

“But in the last two years we’ve put $75,000 into our roof because it’s started leaking,” Cobbe said. “As a non-profit, $75,000 is a lot of money.”

Council's meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. Monday.