4:07 A.M. - tomorrow.  Summer arrives.  It's the Summer Solstice.  It occurs here in the Northern Hemisphere around the same time every year when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.  After tomorrow, the sun will reverse course and go back in the opposite direction.

As The Old Farmer's Almanac explains, at this time of year, the sun hits the earth at a more direct angle creating the warming we call summer.

Here on the prairies, though, we celebrate summer from May through Labour Day...after that, most of call it autumn.  So, is tomorrow really the first day of summer?

Well, The Almanac tells me "Yes and no - depending on whether we're speaking meteorologically or astronomically.  Apparently meteorologists divide the year into four seasons based on the months and temperature cycle.  So, they say summer is in June, July and August.

Astronomically, through, summer starts when the sun reaches its highest point and that is tomorrow.

If you didn't know before, you do now.  You'll impress family and friends with this knowledge.  Have a great summer!