On Thursday, three new officers joined the Moose Jaw Police Service. Constables Alanna Coghill, Regan Pawliw, and Harmandeep Singh swore their oaths to officially become Police Officers. Police Chief Rick Bourassa spoke on the new officers after the swearing-in ceremony.

"A lot of people don't make it through that process, that initially try, and the people who make it through, what that demonstrates to us is that they are people that have character, that have integrity, and that they have demonstrated that they have those skills that are necessary to be Police Officers."

Constable Singh explained his personal reason for joining the Police Service.

"My dad, he was in the army, he served in the Indian Army for 21 years, so seeing my dad deploying and coming home, that's what inspired me to become a Police Officer."

Constable Coghill, who held a previous position at the Police Service for many years, spoke about her excitement for the new change.

"I've been a Communications Officer for just about 7 years now, and I guess, I've taken the calls and I've dispatched them, and now my opportunity has come to go out and take action on them."

Constable Pawliw, a previous Corrections Officer, told his story and inspiration for joining.

"What inspired me was my father, back then he tried and wasn't able to do it due to back surgery and stuff. So I wanted to fulfill his duty and try and become a Police Officer, which I'm thankful for today, and the transition from Corrections to here, I believe is going to be a huge proactive change for me, being in the Jail was a more negative environment, so I'm looking for the proactive change of being more positive in the community.

Now that they've been sworn in, the new officers will head off to the Saskatchewan Police College for months of training, ending just before Christmas in December.