It's not news that farmers or residents in southern Saskatchewan want to here, but there's a chance on Tuesday of a repeat performance of this past weekend's storms.

Greg Johnson from Regina, is one of North America's top professional storm-chasers and severe weather experts, and Tuesday he will be touring southern Saskatchewan where there is the potential for severe thunderstorms to build - and with that - the possibility for tornadoes.

"There's this thought that happens in Saskatchewan that we're not tornado alley and that what happens in Oklahoma and Kansas is completely different than what happens up here, but that's simply not the case. Certainly, if the conditions are right, then the potential is there for a storm to build into a serious thing."

Jaw and Swift Current. Johnson and his crew will be out throughout rural Saskatchewan and will Livestream online if anything happens.

Johnson warns that if you are in a vehicle and can see a funnel cloud or tornado forming, to drive away from it. If you are home and one is approaching, stay inside, and taking shelter underground is always better than taking shelter above ground.