He was on the south side of Thatcher Drive doing some business in the Wal Mart neighbourhood.  He asked me how he was supposed to turn into the new Hillcrest Health Centre if he was approaching from the east.

I told him he'd have to drive across Main Street, pull a u-turn and head back across main, east bound, to gain access.

He said, "That doesn't make sense."

I said, "I know."

In fact, that particular local traffic issue was up for discussion on the MJTalks! Facebook page this week.  A woman named Doris writing, "It makes no sense to me..."

Closing that Main Street East Service Road intersection has impacted business at a number of local stores and the Hillcrest Golf Club.  I understand there is a plan in place at City Hall to alleviate the situation.

In the meantime, a local man named Daxton may have put it in perspective with his comment:  "This should read, 'Ugh, I'm inconvenienced because my poor trip planning made me do a 2 minute turnaround in a city that takes 15 minutes (to travel) end to end in heavy traffic."