Texting.  It's taking over.  We used to talk to each other.  These days you'll find people who would rather get a text than a call on their telephone or, at least, a text to see if they're available to take a call.

We lose so much when we text.  You see, texting doesn't allow for the same impact as a conversation.  There's no voice inflection and most of us write or dictate our texts with abbreviated messages.

And then there's punctuation.  There are people who don't use commas or periods and that leads to messages being misconstrued. 

I've also found, from personal experience, that typing messages with proper upper and lower case is important.  I thought using all upper case was an easy shortcut.  So, I sent a message to friend, all with upper case or capital letters.  It was a simple, friendly message but she texted back, "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?"

What's the solution?  I'm not sure there is one, but I do know we need to make sure our children are paying attention in English class and learning proper punctuation.  Our future is at stake.