This week's warm weather has contributed to some water damage at Moose Jaw's Wigmore hospital.

Five Hills Health Region (FHHR) officials issued a news release Tuesday, explaining why there have been buckets collecting dripping water in the main entryway to the facility.

In a news release, VP of Environmental Services Jim Allen said "We had a small amount of water dripping last spring in the same area of the building and at that time we worked with our local roofing contractor to undertake a thorough inspection of the roof. The inspection found the roof to be water-tight which was confirmed when we had no leaks in those areas through the wet summer. Because we’ve done that investigation and there has been virtually no snow accumulation on the roof we’re quite certain a leak in the roof isn’t the cause of the water we’re experiencing.”

In a phone interview, Allen added that they suspect it's an issue related to a faulty vapor barrier. 

"Warm interior air is contacting that cold structure and building up some ice there," he stated. "When the temperature got warm it melted the ice, causing the dripping."

Allen says they are working with their building contractors and engineers who will "point us in the right direction and we'll get a plan in place to mitigate the problem."

Allen stresses the issue is contained to the front of the building and does not affect patient care.