The Red Cross "Imagine No Bullying" message is being spread at local schools this week. 

The annual campaign is centred around educating students about bullying and peer-harassment, and often includes high-profile guest speakers. 

Nic Demski of the Saskatchewan Roughriders is visiting schools in Assiniboia (Monday), Lafleche and Gravelbourg (Tuesday) to give a presentation on the subject.  His participation was sponsored by several area businesses including Southland Coop, Conexus Credit Union and Lafleche Credit Union.  

Nic Demski signs autographs for students

"Bullying is a big issue and it's not only bullying in the schools," said Southland Coop's Member Relations Coordinator Julianne Heagy. "This campaign is actually 'Respect in the Workplace' as well. We want to make sure our staff knows and our community knows that we don't tolerate disprectful behaviour in our workplaces."

February 22nd is the official "Pink Shirt" day across Canada, though several schools are holding events on different days throughout the month to accommodate for the school break February 20-24. Heagy says they'll be dressed for the occasion next week.  

"We have 135 Pink Day shirts ordered...and on the 22nd we'll have all of Southland Coop staff wearing Pink Day t-shirts (that day)."