Today marks Agriculture Day in Canada.

The numbers are impressive.  Canada is home to over 205,000 farms with a total of almost 300,000 operators making their living directly off the land.  That all adds up to a gross farm income in excess of $51 billion.

The bulk of farm production in Canada comes in the form of grains and oilseeds which total about 34% of activity nationwide.  Livestock production is next at about 24% followed by dairy and horticulture operations.

The latest Saskatchewan specific numbers show just under 45,000 active farms in the province, and although the total number of farms is dropping, the size of operations is increasing.  Recent numbers show farms in the province average 1,449 acres in size, up from 1,283 acres 5 years ago. Saskatchewan accounts for about 41% of all cropland in Canada.

For a link to more information on Agriculture Day in Canada, click here.