We'll find out next week if Moose Jaw City Council will want to re-open the smoking bylaw.  Mayor Fraser Tolmie has given notice of a motion that he wants debated as he tries to update the bylaw that outlines where people can smoke.

Tolmie says the popularity of vaping and e-cigarettes is just one reason the bylaw could use updating but also planning for the future of marijuana becoming legal.

"Other cities have been doing it and preparing for what's going on with the federal legislation." said Tolmie. "Right now, we're kind of in the dark with that but I think it's better to be prepared and have a policy in place that will help us in the future."

Moose Jaw's bylaw to ban smoking in several locations led to provincial movement to limit where smokers could light up.  In more recent years, other cities have set their sights on vaping, now treating it like regular tobacco use and Tolmie wants to include the new trends in the bylaw.