Mid-April is typically when farmers are preparing to get back to the fields and begin planting, however, due to soil conditions many will likely have to wait.

Over the summer of 2017 there was near record lows in terms of precipitation and some uncharacteristic weather as of late.

Ben Thiessen a farmer from the eyebrow area says it just adds to the fun involved with farming.

"It's all part of the game part of the fun about farming is that its never the same every year. It's different from other years so its about learning how to adapt. Whether it's the weather or a new disease or insect that is going to effect crops there is something new every year to make this year different from last."

This isn't the first time farmers have seen interesting weather this time of year either.

"We have experienced it a few times but normally we have nice weather and then its a freak snow storm in May, that will stop or push back seeding progress, for winter to just not quit this is just out of the ordinary."

Theissen also added that the farmers will take all the moisture they can get right now.

"I think we are between two and three weeks behind normal for seeding progress is getting in the fields and getting them ready to go but with how dry it was last year I think we are just going to be grateful we have moisture right now."

Farmers have gone through tough growing conditions in the past, yet they continue to battle through adversity.